The collective photographic exhibition "Paesi perduti. Appunti per un viaggio nell'Italia dimenticata" (Lost lands. Notes on a journey through a forgotten Italy) - from an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi, curated by Gabriele Lorenzoni - at the Galleria Civica di Trento. has been extended until 12 March 2023.
On display, together with photographs by Gabriele Basilico, Silvia Camporesi, Flavio Faganello, Italo Zannier and four video works, are six large-format images taken from "Mondo piccolo" and "Il filo e il fiume".
The exhibition project focuses on an extremely topical and urgent theme: the complex dynamic that, interweaving anthropological, social and economic factors, leads to the abandonment of large areas of the country, especially mountainous areas far from the main centres and communication routes.
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